This week has been the busiest I have been shooting ever, well almost. It almost compaired to the Ireland wedding, coming back and shooting two more weddings that weekend. Last week started out OK, my Saturday family portrait was cancelled and it was looking like I could catch up on work around the house. Then, I was asked to do a wedding - OK. Then Thursday I received a call from a client asking to take some photos of the views from a building down town, NOW! No problem, let me get the kids home from school and I'll be right down. Needed day and night shots. When I arrived, it was hazy, so the view was not perfect. So I hung around a few hours to get the night view. Nailed that, and I just had to come back Friday and get the day shots. Friday was foggy and the shots I took wouldn't work. I also received a request to photograph a car for Sunday - and the weather has been whacky, so after discussing it - we decided to do it on Sunday for fear that the weather would change for the worst anyday now. I had to still get the daytime shot downtown, so looking at the weather and my planner - the only time would be Sunday AM. Off to the wedding Saturday. The day turned out beautiful for the bride and groom. Got home and couldn't sleep. Up at 6 and out the door to meet the client and back up to the roof to wait for the sky to clear to get my shot. Got to the fail safe point and had to take what I can get to make it back to do the car shoot. Now, this is how it always is - when you want sun you get clouds, and when you want clouds - here comes the sun. The car shoot went great, but we stood around waiting for the clouds to soften the light for the best images.
Next it was back home to pick Morgan up because she is now playing hockey - had to get her to the rink. Did I mention that Evelyn was with Alyssa at a Cheer competition? Did I also mention that it was Evelyn and I's 18th anniversery? Everything worked out great - I got some great shots and Alyssa's cheer squad brought home the BIG prize. That was the shocker, check it out...
Evelyn is one of the coaches along with head coach Kelly, coach Donna, coach Kim and the vacationing coach Lea. They worked so hard with the girls to get them ready. And after watching the competition last year, I never would have thought they could pull it together. Just because it is like what you see in the movies. Well, I was wrong. I watched the extra practice on Friday night and I couldn't believe my eyes. They were amaizing. They deserved the award for all that work. Congrats to the coaching staff and all the girls GO PATRIOTS!
Alright - if you hung in there through all of this, here are the photos...

And most importantly - Evelyn and I's 18th year married. Feels like yesterday. We have been through a lot and we still stay together. She is right there with me through it all. We went and did a quick dinner - our plans took the back seat to the Spirit Award and not enough time to get dressed up and go somewhere nice.