Friday, March 28, 2008

Infrared Monday

Last Monday the girls had off from school. Morgan went with her friends to the movies so Alyssa and I decided to walk High Street and take some pictures. I took my digital infrared camera and Alyssa had the trusty vacation digital. I have been shooting B/W infrared since high school when my photo teacher gave me a roll. The images were awesome, very dream like. Kodak recently discontinued the film but for the past few years I've been using a digital converted IR camera. It was simple, take it apart and remove the IR block filter, attach a IR filter on the lens and you are in business. I will be sharing more of the IR images in the future as the spring/summer foliage returns.
Most of the shots here are Alyssa's. I just had fun walking around with my daughter and seeing what she saw.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Evelyn

My BEAUTIFUL wife is having a Big Birthday today. I have a surprise for her today and I can write it here because she never looks here. Well, maybe, just incase she does - I'll post it later after I bring it home. I hope the kids will help take care of it.
Happy Birthday Baby.

Ev's brother came in from Phoenix for her birthday. It was fun, but I couldn't share my secret with my best friend. Even when his plane was late and she was getting ticked off.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shooting Cars

I've been shooting some EXTREMELY nice automobiles this week. Here are a few detail shots.