Saturday, February 16, 2008


My website has been updated.  The original site took a total of 25 minutes to do one afternoon five years ago and it hasn't been touched since.  A good friend of mine who works in the high tech computer industry showed me a few small things to get what was online out there on the World Wide Web.  So it was a freebee and it showed.  Take a look...

I am very happy with it.  I wanted something simple, quick to load and easy to navigate.  I see many sites that have so much that it takes a while to view.  Or there is music that will blast through the viewer's speakers.  That could be a problem for a bride that may be checking out a photographer's work during company time.  

Anyway, check it out.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Goblins Hockey

Here is my hockey team the Goblins. Since the rink finally put in some new lights, the old ones were ten years old and spaced to far apart creating dark spots in between the fixtures - I was able to bring my camera to the game and get a few shots of the guys between shifts. These are from tonight's - or I should say this mornings game.

Team shot thanks to Mr. Stauffer.  Left to right standing Dillon Schlesman, me, Shane Wronowski, Brad Okoniewski, Jeff Stauffer, Jay Young, Fred Neumann, Dustin Sechrist, Dil Schlesman, Ron Neilson.  Bottom row - Terry McCarrick, Brandon Zanan, Gene Thomas, Tiffany Neumann.  Missing - Tony Dorsogne, Sean McGinley, John Haibach, Brian Baker, Tom Quinn, Bill McCarrick, and Brett Marquardt.

Jeff pinching down low keeping the puck in deep.
Brandon taking everything down low away on this breakaway.
Brandon making the easy save.
Fred cutting to the slot.
Ron pushing the rush to the outside.
Gene parked out in front of the goalie.
Dillon streaking up ice.
Jay watching the play.
Dustin moving the puck out of our zone.
Tiffany blocking a shot.

I have a lot of fun playing with these guys.  Even though sometimes the scoreboard doesn't show it - we play hard and support each other - no I in TEAM.