I took the afternoon off with Ev and we brought in some healthy snacks for Alyssa to hand out to her class for her birthday. Her teacher put her in front of the class and everyone sung to her. It was fun to watch her excitement. Then we were off to dinner and Alyssa announced right away to the waiter that it was her birthday, so the wait staff all came out and sung to her. She loves the attention. Like any young girl today, Alyssa wants to be just like Hannah Montana. Santa brought her a Karaoke Machine and she wanted a mike stand for her birthday so she can strum her guitar while she sings into the mike. As you can see - we had to get her the wig to complete the look.
She looks a bit like Spinal Tap or Dee Snyder - I WANNA ROCK!!!
Yes, eight years ago today it was Super Bowl Sunday, Snowing and Alyssa's Birthday. I remember getting the call to hurry home, (I had a hockey game, it was almost the end of the third period). Up all night helping Ev, (as much as I could) and finally the doctor saying it's time to go in and get her, after about seven hours of torture for Ev. She took her time coming out, and she's been yapping away since. Happy Birthday Alyssa.