Today is my Mom's birthday. Doesn't she look fabulous for 90? I stopped down this morning and we went out to breakfast. I can't believe she put up with me as a kid. Being a dad of a teenager, when something happens and I am in parent enforcer mode, I always think back to when I was a kid and what my punishment would be for such an offense. Then, after everything is done somehow my Mom always finds out - she tells me to stop being so hard on the girls. I go nuts. This kind gentle women once chased me with a hanger. She cornered me and started hitting me with it. It was plastic so it broke after the 19th or 20th swing. Then I started laughing - she didn't like that, so she put it against my neck. I had to tell everyone I cut myself shaving, which was a joke because I only had fuzz at that age. Ahh, the memories.
Love you Mom, Happy birthday...