I met Lindsey and Dan at a secret location for their E-shoot. Well it's not a secret to photographers in the area, but you would just pass on by if you didn't know it was there. It is the garden of a very nice family in the area that lets bridal parties take photos at their home. Lindsey and Dan are a fun couple. Lindsey is so photogenic and Dan is, well Dan is Dan. Just kidding - we were joking about that during the session, had to mention it here.
Here is the first of three E-shoots last week. Mary and Andrew met at St. Joe's so it was only natural that we do the session there. We had a great time, turns out that they are fans of the TV show The Office. We swapped Dwight and Michael-isms. Mary is also the Bride to Be that made my day at the Bridal Expo last February. She, her Mom and Bridal party (to be) took over my booth and went nuts over my samples. Needless to say, my ego started to inflate until after they left and I was there alone again answering the question of the day - "How much?" which brought me back down to earth.
Alright, I am usually the worst when it comes to Mother's Day but this year seemed to go better then many in the past. Evelyn was treated to breakfast in bed then we went out and ended up having a late lunch and then over to my Mom's to spend some time with her and my sister.