Big week last week as Dlutz Photo just added another photographer to the mix. She is Megan and will be on as an apprentice for a little bit and hopefully a full fledged second photographer by the end of the year. I really didn't expect this as it was a little out of the blue. I received an email from an old friend telling me that her daughter was very interested in photography and if I could talk to her about education and a way to learn more about the field. I said sure and that I would consider her to shadow me on a wedding to see how things went. Then I saw her images and that was the deal breaker. I hate using this term because I feel it is used way to much about photography BUT "She has an eye". So I had to meet her and see what she was all about. Well, she has the passion too.
More to come about Megan as she starts her journey and I am sure it won't be to long before she is out and doing this on her own. But for now, hand me the fisheye, carry that bag and more coffee...

Megan's good friend Jess came out today so that Megan can get familiar with my cameras. She put up with bugs swarming while Megan made some awesome images like this one.