Anyway, today the girls and I went fishing. Then we went to one of my favorite places for dinner - Hibachi, then back home for cake and an ice cream sandwich.

Ev hanging out, getting some sun - Hey Baby!

Alyssa named this one BigGuy

Morgan is fishing and Alyssa is naming the rest of the worms

Alyssa wanted to hold the only fish I caught today - but after he fell to the dirt, she settled for just a touch

Morgan pulled this monster from the deep, can we keep him Dad?

I taught Alyssa how to set the hook, so as soon as she would feel a nibble, she would yank the fish clear out of the water and onto the bank

Morgan moved into the spot that I caught mine, this is mean country out here

Caught a turtle too, can we keep him Dad - you never let us keep anything.

Keep your eye on it Morgan

Good catch, now spit it out because you hate shrimp - she was just being nice to the chef.

Thanks Girls for a family fun day on my birthday. Thanks Mom and Dad - without you two - well you know. And thanks Bill for that special song on the answering machine - I laughed, I cried - it gave me chills.
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