Friday, November 7, 2008

Pies for MANNA

One of my favorite things about being a photographer these days is the group of talent we have in this area.  I am part of the Philadelphia Photo Group.  It kind've started as a gathering of photographers that shared the same lab.  It was very small, but quickly grew into a large community when our organizer Sofia Negron invited all photographers to the monthly meetings.  What I enjoy is getting together each month and sharing ideas on what has worked for each other.  This is a winning combination because our clients get the rewards of fresh images and the latest products available.

Anyway, this year we all are supporting MANNA.

"MANNA nourishes the mind, body and spirit of clients, volunteers and supporters alike. Drawn from all walks of life, the young, old, urban and suburban come together with one common goal: to promote wellness through nutrition for people at acute nutritional risk living in Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey."

Our group helped out last year by volunteering to work in the kitchen, but some of us could not attend due to our schedules.  Sofia fixed that problem this year by getting us involved in the Pie in the Sky Fundraiser.  Just click on the link below and you can order a pie to help support MANNA. Every pie sold provides three meals to a person with a life threatening illness.

Here is a picture of just a few of us that I pulled from my friend Ole's blog, ( (thanks Ole, hope you don't mind.)that was taken at a meeting a few months ago.


Thank you, Ron

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