Giselle is a free spirit. She is just an awesome little girl that reminds me of my daughter at three. Well - even at ten. When Giselle started talking, she hasn't stopped - just like my Alyssa. We arrived at the park and get out of the car, Giselle walked over to me and grabbed my hand and we walked across the parking lot. I'm thinking she is going to do whatever I ask her to do this year. Nope, I was wrong as you will see in the first image as she is running quickly away from me. So we played a little trying to get her into position and see if I can get a smile out of her and other times we just let her be herself and flap her wings, pick flowers and run from bees. This year, Giselle became a big sister to Rolf. But it seems that Rolf is a night owl and couldn't be bothered with me and my camera.

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